I am working in a small team to develop a section of pathway at the Queen Elizabeth Foundation's Care and Rehabilitation Centre in Leatherhead, Surrey. There is a pathway that runs around the centre's site, however portions of the path are unpaved meaning residents at the centre who are wheelchair users cannot currently use the path as it is not accessible. We are aiming to repave this section of path over a couple of days in late March with a team of volunteers.
donate nowFinishing slate roof replacement.
My best friend unfortunately took his own life on Christmas day, leaving behind a wife and 6 children (his son also has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled).
He lad many projects ongoing in his own house but my priority is to get the house sealed and prevent further water ingress.
I have secured a roofer who has volunteered to complete the work for free as funds are extremely tight.
Please feel free to email me for photos as I am having difficulty uploading.
donate nowFinishing slate roof replacement.
My best friend unfortunately took his own life on Christmas day, leaving behind a wife and 6 children (his son also has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled).
He lad many projects ongoing in his own house but my priority is to get the house sealed and prevent further water ingress.
I have secured a roofer who has volunteered to complete the work for free as funds are extremely tight.
Please feel free to email me for photos as I am having difficulty uploading.
donate nowFinishing slate roof replacement.
My best friend unfortunately took his own life on Christmas day, leaving behind a wife and 6 children (his son also has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled).
He lad many projects ongoing in his own house but my priority is to get the house sealed and prevent further water ingress.
I have secured a roofer who has volunteered to complete the work for free as funds are extremely tight.
Please feel free to email me for photos as I am having difficulty uploading.
donate nowFinishing slate roof replacement.
My best friend unfortunately took his own life on Christmas day, leaving behind a wife and 6 children (his son also has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled).
He lad many projects ongoing in his own house but my priority is to get the house sealed and prevent further water ingress.
I have secured a roofer who has volunteered to complete the work for free as funds are extremely tight.
Please feel free to email me for photos as I am having difficulty uploading.
donate nowFinishing slate roof replacement.
My best friend unfortunately took his own life on Christmas day, leaving behind a wife and 6 children (his son also has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled).
He lad many projects ongoing in his own house but my priority is to get the house sealed and prevent further water ingress.
I have secured a roofer who has volunteered to complete the work for free as funds are extremely tight.
Please feel free to email me for photos as I am having difficulty uploading.
donate nowI have been offered a 1 bed flat after being a homeless for 6 months and in need of some flooring. Currently it is a bare concrete
I’m unable to afford the as I’m recovering from long term illness.
donate nowWanting to start a project of constructing a Gazebo for hiring
Wedding parties
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I am single parent trying to renovate a house for my family to live, but unfortunately, I was scammed and ripped off by some unscrupulous builders and they have left me in a vulnerable position and out of pocket. The work is a mess and I am desperate for building materials to undo the botched up and dangerous work they’ve left behind. Without the building materials I am going to struggle to get the remedial work completed.
donate nowWeal are a non profit Archery club. We have raised funds and had a horse trailer converted into a disabled accessible toilet. We are now looking for materials to finish the project.
donate nowRefurbishment of community centre
donate nowWe are looking to repair our dug outs, fencing and paint the changing room block that has unfortunately been subject to vandalism.
donate nowWe would like to create a outdoor stage area for children in school and the wider community to perform on during playtime and extra curricular sessions.
donate nowWe need to refurbish our community building we are looking for materials on the inside and outside
donate nowEDUQAS Level 1/2 Construction and the Built Environment
donate nowTo update and improve our existing Forest School, to make it safer and more exciting for the students to play and explore.
donate nowWe very much need materials to redo our male and female showers as currently out of use. We have serious issues with water run off on site and our floors are a serious issue we need to address as are rotten in most places, we have even had somebody fall through!
The club is run down and needs essential maintenance, we were promised a redevelopment due to subsidence issues however this has not materialised yet and unfortunately the club is too far gone to hold out any longer.
donate now![Gym Possible]()
We are a specialised gym for wheelchair users based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. We are set up as a charitable incorporated organisation under the name Pop-Up Gym (charity number:1170662). All of our members have some type of physical disability for example, Spinal Cord Injury, M.S, Spina Bifida, Stroke, Neurological disorders etc.
Prior to the pandemic we had a large gym in Team Valley with a vibrant community of users many of whom had stated that the gym had changed their lives and given them the confidence to get out into the community again. After nearly going under during the pandemic after burning through nearly all our back up funds. Thankfully we were able to survive but had to start from scratch.
We currently have a small gym space at Tumble Gymnastics in Longbenton, Newcastle. Unfortunately this gym is too small for our needs meaning we can only service around 20 gym members on a weekly basis as opposed to the 60+ we were able to accommodate at our previous premises. Former Olympian, Craig Heap who owns Tumble gymnastics has been extremely supportive of our project and has agreed to use some space on his site to build us a new gym facility. He has gained planning permission etc but now the challenge is funding the construction of the building.
We are hoping it would be possible for you to help us with some materials for this project.
We were recently featured on this years Great North Run footage which can be seen below;
With best regards
Drew Graham
donate nowWe are working with Havering Mind; a mental health charity, to renovate their offices. To achieve this, we are looking to organise and gather some furniture for Havering Mind to help give their office space a fresh new look.
We would love to obtain your support through the donation of any furniture items to help facilitate the renovation works.
donate nowWe are a social enterprise in need of materials please.
Many thanks
donate nowOur club is moving from our home of 7 years unexpectedly. We are moving to a rural location and need to install all facilities, including:
A new timber storage shed.
An accessible composting toilet.
Improve on the parking available to ensure that people are safe and don't get stuck.
Smaller storage sheds/garden boxes at 2 other areas of the farm.
Rental of a portable toilet while fundraising and works are carried out.
donate nowWe have a brand new poly tunnel for our social enterprise but we need timber and other materials to build propagation benches for Sussex Chilli Farm and for our field row crops on Sompting Community Farm to provide vegetables to local food banks.
donate nowThe aim is to build a fire pit. Seating area and raised flowerbeds to create a sensory activity area for children of ages 8 to 14.
We already have gravel as the floor base and want to put a fire pit in the centre with wooden bench type seating in a semi circle near the fire with raised beds over in a corner so the children can grow herbs and use them to cook over an open fire
donate nowWe are looking to build/create an outdoor reading area for our children at our primary school in Bedford.
This will be so the children can enjoy the outdoor surroundings, whilst getting lost in a good book, providing the children with a different setting to enjoy reading.
donate nowWe are building a new facility for sen children and adults and children with disabilities
donate nowOur infant school is looking to build a gazebo so that pupils can access an outdoor learning area. This area will be used to facilitate science lessons including but not limited to habitats, life cycles, ecology.
donate nowWe are setting up a Community Fridge from scratch in an empty warehouse. We will be providing tea, coffee, light meals. The property has a gas boiler and plumbing. We would like to fit a kitchen counter top and cupboards. Also racking for uniforms and tins etc for people to collect free food. So looking for building items to enable us to open. Warehouse currently has double width shutters would be great to replace with windows and French doors
donate nowI am homeless under the care of migrant help due to being a victim of attempted murder and modern day slavery. I have nowhere to sleep apart from my mums sofa. She has a cabin out there back that I’m looking to turn into my home until the modern day slavery case is over and I get help from the council.
donate nowIn Her Hands is a non-profit project that aims to create an empowering space for women to learn and explore the fundamentals of building and construction. We're working with women and girls from across Sussex (and beyond) to build confidence and independence working with tools and completing their own builds. For more information see https://www.inherhands.org. We're currently in the final stages of renovating an old stable building into a workshop and are in desperate need of materials to help us finish the renovation and continue to run workshop days. All the timber we use is reclaimed and our funds are limited so we're always on the hunt for wood and other bits that will help us run workshops.
donate nowTo enhance the garden space for the children at a charity run preschool.
donate now•Level off garden too make the space accessible too wheelchair users.
•Building a solid foundation for a new 8ft/12ft shed too sit on. •Wheelchair access to & from the shed.
donate nowHello, I am a primary school teacher. We want to enrich our children's learning by building a workshop in our school. We have the space, some volunteers (teachers, parents and local citizens) but lack the finances to create a space where our pupils can emerse themselves in curricular projects whilst gaining valuable skills. The majority of our pupils have never used basic workshop tools such a junior hack-saw, a file, sandpaper etc. We would truly appreciate any donations of tools and materials to kick start our STEAM projects. Thank you for your time.
donate nowConstructionarium is a not for profit providing experiential learning to students studying build environment courses. We are always on the look out for items that the students can reuse, big or small, to help them build scaled replicas of The Gherkin, Barcelona Tower, Millau Cable Bridge etc, turning theory into practice.
To find out more, please visit www.constructionarium.co.uk
donate now![Anglesey Primary School Outdoor Learning]()
We are Anglesey Primary School, a large multicultural primary school in Lozells, Birmingham with over 740 pupils including a Nursery and a Speech and Language Base.
We want to transform the playground for some of our youngest pupils into an interactive green outdoor learning space including a forest school. We are associated with various local charities which support safe, green spaces for families, including Aspire and Succeed and The Friends of George’s Park. We want our children to learn about the wonders of science and nature in their own school too. To learn how to take care of their environment, to take responsibility for it and to ensure it flourishes.
During the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, access to green areas has been limited for our pupils. We want our pupils to have the opportunity to explore the world around them and be involved in the design and construction of this project and be immersed in nature across the year. It will be their green space.
We are aware of rising issues of mental health affecting children, particularly highlighted during the pandemic and this project would enhance pupil’s mental and spiritual health. We have incorporated the use of our garden into our wider curriculum and we would provide after school clubs. It will be a hands-on outdoor learning space with benefits to our pupils including boosting confidence, social skills, communication, motivation, physical skills, problem solving skills, knowledge and understanding and self-esteem from hands on learning. Pupils will have opportunities to work cooperatively and develop further positive attitude to learning following and have control over their environment.
The funding would allow us to create a space for parents to use and develop and train a volunteer parent workforce. We would have planting areas for the community to access and take responsibility for specific areas of the garden, including maintenance. We would utilise the expertise of a Forest School Leader and further use the services of Growing Gains to ensure the pupils get the most out of the space and provide training for staff. All food grown will be harvested and cooked and eaten by pupils and the community, including hosting a special ‘Cook Off’ day.
Our Outdoor Learning space would include a forest school area with fire pit, den building, a digging area (after seeing how motivated the children were when planting trees in our local park), planting areas for vegetables and fruit as well as a variety of other trees and plants, a large construction area, a wildlife pond, bird viewing area and water collection areas to reuse water in the garden. We want to encourage as much wildlife to the space as possible, to broaden our pupil’s knowledge and experiences.
At Anglesey Primary School, we want our pupils to be ‘Inquisitive, Resilient and Independent’ and an outdoor learning space would allow pupils to further implement these values.
donate nowWe are a small charity which has been set up to design, fundraise, build and run a theatre and events space in Stone; providing community facilities that are flexible, affordable and accessible to local communities.
We have been donated the empty shell of an auditorium building and back of house facilities. It is now our job to fully fit the buildings, from bare brickwork as it is now to a fully habitable and functional community facility.
donate nowWe have run out fo funds to be able to fully refurbish our site.
We have demolished unsafe buildings and removed old asbestos from the site ( local animal charity)
We now have a large Arena that has been refurbished but we have no funds to be able make the floor usable.
The arena was used for fund rasing events or to hire out so we can secure an income but we have now lost this income stream.
Withuot cement flooring, the Arena is unuasble
donate nowPeatland restoration. Building dams with piling to create ponds and stem the flow of water out of the peatland - keeping the peat wet and alive and storing carbon.
donate nowWe are planning a sensory Garden for our students, being a special needs school, we have young people whom use wheelchairs so a loverly sensory garden in which they can feel part of will be great.
donate nowCharity Registration No. 1024418.
The Queen's Regimental Riders Association (QRRA) are taking the lead on behalf of the Queen's and PWRR Associations to build a Veterans Horticultural Rehabilitation, Social and Community Centre. Any surplus materials will be much appreciated.
donate nowScout hut, we are extending and refurbishing our scout hut to make it more usable for over 200 children a week and to make it usable for children based community groups to have a safe place to hold meetings and to educate children. we have started to do some of the work but urgently need materials to help complete it
donate nowThe Barn Owl Centre is working to refurbish its Owl Sanctuary that supports 46 Owls and Birds of Prey that have handed in as unwanted or mistreated pets. Due to the high cost of materials, we are finding it a little difficult to complete the works due to the high costs of materials required. Being a small charity, it would be amazing to find some support and most important free materials to help us on our way.
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The Gmax (Anti Knife) intervention Program works by using athletics to detract youth from violence and engage them in holistic personal development which changes behaviour traits and negative mindsets. Our motivational strategies employ an evidence-based model proven to reduce violence in youth by positive engagement
The program focuses on building confidence, communication skills and self-esteem, while inspiring the participants to engage in education, training and employment.
We do however need to have financial sustainability. We have cleverly adopted the same fundraising strategy as Heart foundation and cancer research for income sustainability. Our “Sports on the High street” uses our successful dragonfly Yoga studio model to raise funds for our playground to podium sports development program.
We need materials to fit out the commercial unit where we can deliver bigger Yoga classes and youth education workshops.
Absolutely everything is needed for this amazing facility in Sydenham
Can you help…Be part of the solution
donate nowHouse comprised of 7 flats that has a huge garden. We have just been given permission by the landlord to turn this garden into an allotment for us the residents and produce fresh food, of which there will be too much for us to consume, so all surplus produce we are donating to our local food bank, so our local community can have fresh organic produce too. We will be taking delivery of the new polytunnel, seeds, plants, shrubs and trees at the end of this March and beginning of April. We have only just managed to scrap together £500 between us to buy all this. However, we need help with sourcing used sleepers or used scaffold planks or bricks to make the raised beds and don't have the transport to get them either, so that is our biggest challenge with this fresh food project.
donate nowCommunity heritage project in collaboration with St. Peter’s Primary School.
The Fish & Ships Project will be an opportunity to reconnect with local history and the environment. In addition the workshops and visits will help develop a number of creative and practical skills, including net and knot making, navigation, print making and mixed media displays.
We urgently require reusable materials for the project and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
donate nowI have seen the work that Enviromate does with regard to material donations for projects and wondered if you could help.
I have a disabled son who will be 30 yrs old this May and with his conditions we all, including hospital staff, never expected him to reach this age.
To celebrate his birthday and the arrival of Spring, we are creating him a surprise sensory garden and have managed to build a fish pond for him but am trying to find scaffold boards to edge the pond with and also raise the flower borders so that he can reach them from his wheelchair.
Unfortunately we are now low on funds to complete the project in time. If Enviromate could help in any way we would be very grateful.
I have never asked for anything before but after seeing your work, I thought it would be worth speaking with you.
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Enviromate Donate are proud to be supporting this fantastic Rebuilt4u Community Project in Jaywick, Essex helping re-home individuals who have found themselves in unfortunate circumstances and living on the street’s. The project begins with the regeneration of a property from reclaimed and surplus materials and the guys need your help in all forms from materials to volunteering support – take a read of the project overview below and if there is anyway you can help however small then drop us a line at hello@enviromate.co.uk to discuss;
Rebuilt4U is a registered not for profit community interest company set up with the aim to regenerate the derelict housing stock in some of the UK’s most deprived areas. We want to provide affordable housing for all. We will target our support where we know it will have the most lasting impact.
Rebuilt4U was founded by Daniel Hill. A successful entrepreneur who is a regular on TV and featured in shows such as Channel 4’s Ultimate Dealers and SuperScrimpers, BBC’s 24 Hours in the Past and most recently the hit Dave show Storage Hunters UK. This wheeler dealer will turn his hand to anything but his passion is to help others achieve.
Having a roof over our head is often taken for granted but there are many families and individuals who do not have a place to call home. Rebuilt4U want to help provide homes for those in need by renovating and building more affordable housing.
With your help we can make a difference. We are looking for volunteers who can donate a few hours of their time or expertise to help make dilapidated properties liveable again.
If your a builder, carpenter, electrician, labourer or you can donate building materials or essentials like bathrooms and kitchens then we would LOVE to hear from you.
donate nowBedfords Park Walled Garden is a community-focused food growing space on the edge of London. It sits within a nature reserve and an historical setting.
The aim of the garden is to teach people about food, growing their own, giving valuable life skills to some and ‘skills for working’ to others. There are gardening clubs for the new and the experienced as well as many events, workshops and activities to enjoy whether you’re a gardener or not.
We don’t have enough storage so we’re building 2 sheds. One small one at the back of the Fern house and the other long one at the back of the pineapple house. Both these aspects are north facing and therefore no good for planting and ideal for the sheds we need. The sheds will be made from as much reclaimed and reusable material as possible.
donate nowOur project is called Food For Thought and it is a grow your own project for schools in disadvantaged areas in East Ayrshire. We are working with 2 classes within each of the 7 primary schools involved in the project. We’d like to be able to create at least 2 raised beds for each school which would mean using around 28 scaffold planks.
The raised beds would be used both for growing crops the children would plant and harvest, cook and eat and for growing plants for pollinators. Work outside would link with other work completed in the classroom promoting healthy food choices and an awareness of the role played by pollinators in food production. The schools are registered with the RHS Campaign for the School Gardening.
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The project via TCV is a renovation of a community centre garden in Swinnnow, Leeds. We held a community consultation to see what locals wanted, and refined the ideas to a few key areas.
An additional path will be built up from the car park to the café seating area, surrounded by a sensory garden and information/history panels. There is a deaf and blind group who use the centre weekly, and have expressed that the current path is not suitable. The sensory garden will be popular for all, however our wish is provide a place where those with dementure can relax and enjoy their surroundings.
The path will continue past the café area and up a rise, so wide and accessible steps will be needed, along with a railing. At the top of the rise there will be raised beds and a greenhouse, so that the current gardening group can have their own space. The space with provide opportunity and incentive for thegroup to expand, and produce will be sold at a value price on site. The money made will go back into the centre.
On top of the rise there is also a shady area behind the centre building. This will be transformed into a wildlife and children’s outdoor education area, using all natural products such as live willow and mushroom seats made from felled tree trunks.
Finally the old paving slabs that provide the current path will be brought up and layed again properly, to ensure the path is even. Woven willow screens will also be fixed around the bins. The outcome should be an appealing, inviting area that’s suitable for many users. If we got even one part of this list through you we would be extremely grateful.
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